heal the world

heal the world

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

The importance of Information Technology (IT)

The Importance of Information Technology and Its Disadvantages

In this modern day and age, information technology plays a big role. However, if you’re not in the field of information technology yourself, you might not know just how information technology touches your life. Read below to find out how information technology plays a role in a number of different fields that you might not have realized. 
For those of you that don’t know, information technology is the study and use of systems for storing, retrieving, and sending information. This can include software, hardware, applications, and so much more. Much of what people use in the 21st century was created with help from information technology.
Items as common as cars use information technology. Business, education, and even healthcare have all been redesigned thanks to information technology. Read more about how each field has been changed using information technology below.

The Importance of Information Technology in Business

With the introduction of computers, the business world was changed forever. Companies use information technology in a number of different departments including human resources, finance, manufacturing, and security.
Using information technology, businesses have the ability to view changes in the global markets far faster than they usually do. They purchase software packages and hardware that helps them get their job done. Most larger businesses have their own information technology department designed to upkeep the software and hardware.
Information technology has allowed businesses to keep up with the supply and demand as consumers grow more anxious to have their items instantly. Using information technology, businesses like Amazon are working to help busy consumers do their grocery shopping. Just a few clicks on a website allows the consumer to submit an order, and information technology sends that order to the company.

The Importance of Information Technology in Education

The world of education is changing as the modern world continues to grow. With so much progress happening, it’s important that education be able to reach students in new ways so that their students are prepared for the future. The students of today are the leaders, inventors, teachers, and businessmen (and women) of tomorrow. Without the proper skills, these students will not have the preparation needed to survive.
With so much focus placed on education, it can sometimes be difficult to hold a job and still get the training needed to get a better job. Information technology plays a key role in students being able to keep their jobs and go to school. Now, most schools offer online classes that can be accessed on computers or laptops, tablets, and even mobile phones. A busy student at work can easily check in or submit assignments while on their lunch break.
Teachers need to be prepared by staying up to date with information technology, and this can mean more than just reading about the latest gadgets. Using technology, teachers can prepare their students for a future flooded with gadgets including tablets, mobile phones, computers, and so much more.
Information technology is helping to prevent more high school and college dropouts as well. Life events can happen to anyone at any time, and even high schools are taking advantage of online classes so that students can continue their education instead of considering dropping out. 

The Importance of Information Technology in Finance

With all the online purchases going on, it’s important that banks and security keep tabs on everything to keep everyone safe. Information technology might just working its hardest with internet transactions. As more transactions are done, the internet requires more networks, more computers, and more security programs to keep its consumers safe. Without information technology, these purchases would be impossible, and it would be impossible for banks to keep these purchases secure.
Information technology has also made it faster and easier than ever to send or receive money. It’s now also easier to open an online small business to sell whatever you might want. If you don’t want to have to file for a domain name, set up a website, and all the other steps required for registering an online business, you can use other websites like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy to sell things.

The Importance of Information Technology in Healthcare

Improvements in information technology have allowed for great reform in healthcare. Most medical offices can now send and receive digital medical information from doctors you’ve had in the past. Changes like this allow costs to be lowered and increase the amount of time doctors can spend on patients compared to paperwork.
Along with the changing the amount of paperwork required at your medical office, information technology has also updated the technology a doctor can use to diagnose or treat you. Using computerized axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, the doctor can use a computer to create detailed images of your organs along with creating ;images that show changes in your body chemistry and blood flow. This can be helpful to find illnesses that aren’t found with blood tests or other medical tests.

The Importance of Information Technology in Security

With so many transactions done online and so much information available online, it’s important to keep all of that safe. Information technology makes it possible for your online data to stay secure until accessed by the proper channels. Using passwords and encryption, information technology hides your personal digital data away, and the only way it can be accessed is by companies who have permission from you.

Generalized Advantages and Disadvantages of Information Technology

Along with specific contributions to certain fields, information technology also has a few general advantages for society. However, with every advantage, there comes a disadvantage from another area. Below is a brief list of advantages and disadvantages as information technology grows.
  • Advantages

With improvements in information technology, globalization has increased. The world is brought closer, and the world’s economy is quickly becoming a single interdependent system. Information can be shared quickly and easily from all over the glob, and barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries can be torn down as people share ideas and information with each other.
Communication has become an easier, cheaper, and faster system with the help of information technology. Using the internet, people can speak to each other all over the world using video conferencing. Skype is one helpful application that allows users to communicate to other Skype users for free. You can also pay a small fee to call regular lines.
Social media is also another area of communication available because of information technology. It’s now easier than ever to share photos and information about your life with people you know all over the world. This draws some families closer to family members they don’t get to see as often.
Most mobile devices also offer some kind of face to face video communication as well. Using Skype or other programs like it, you can call other mobile Skype users for free to talk face to face. Apple also has Facetime, which allows iPhone users to talk face to face with other iPhone users.
Businesses have become more cost effective for both themselves and their consumers using information technology. By streamlining, businesses increase their productivity. This pays out to greater profits, which allows companies to offer better pay and less strenuous working conditions.
Along with making businesses more cost effective, information technology allows businesses to be within reach of consumers 24/7. If you decide you want to purchase a red sweater at five in the morning, you can easily log in on Target, Walmart, or any number of online clothing retailers to purchase that red sweater. You can also save money on purchases by buying items located in different countries.
Information technology has also created new jobs. Programmers, systems analyzers, hardware and software developers, and web designers all owe their jobs to information technology. Without such advances, these jobs would not exist.
  • Disadvantages

Unfortunately, along with the creation of new and interesting jobs, information technology has also led to a rise in unemployment. By streamlining the business process, job redundancies, downsizing, and outsourcing has occurred. Many low and middle level jobs have been turned to other countries, leaving more people unemployed.
Many people also credit information technology with a lack of job security. As new technology is released and jobs require more and more training, it’s important for employees to stay in a learning mode in order to keep their job. Changes in technology make it difficult for older employees to adapt as quickly as their younger peers.
Although information technology continuously works on making things more secure, there is still a great lack of privacy. Cell phones have been known to be intercepted, and email addresses can be hacked. Just recently, the Heartbleed Bug created a vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic software library, and many people were concerned for their internet security and privacy.
It is also believed that along with opening a great communication window, information technology has begun to create a dominant culture. Many believe that the United States holds the most influence over how teenagers all over the world now act, dress, and behave simply because of what they can access online. English has slowly become the primary mode of communication for business and other communication areas.

Now answer the following questions:

  1. What is your opinion  about this article? 
  2. In which other areas has Information Technology helped?
  3. What other advantage(s) and disadvantage(s) can you mention?

29 comentarios:

  1. 1. This article es very interesting, it gave me a new vision about how technology is going to change the life style for the humanity.
    also it let me know that the human being needs be in learning mode, to evolve with the technology.

    2. In the transportation area the information technology has made a big advantage, using the information their can make plans to travel by aircraft, trains or sea. and they can access to the weather forecast to know how the climate will be for the travels, before they departure.

    3. The advantage that I can mention is that the use of the information of technology to improve a new devices to let us communicate, with others people easier than yesterday, nowadays some devices are personalized for each user, and all information is necessary to improve and update the human needs.

  2. A really nice article, i didn't realize that information technologies had a lot of influence in the way that the most of people dress or their behave.
    I would like to add that information technologies has become vital in the "online-marketing" field.
    Long time ago was very difficult to persuade a company to invest in online advertisement because they thought that the most important communication media was TV and radio, now, with the boom of social networks a lot of companies are focused in social media marketing, why? because through a fanpage you can control and check a lot of information about your costumers. Social network like Facebook offer tools for monitoring you scope in each post and the reactions of the people, the time that the people connect to facebook and the quantity of women and men, their ages and the nationalities, so this means that you can focus your post to an specific public if you want. a really useful tool for online stores if you know how to use it.

    But, it also mean that companies are using all the information that we share in internet to try to sell us something, they know our age, they know the quantity of time that we spend checking our social networks, we know a lot about us. And it represent a disadvantage. We have to be careful with the personal thing that we share on internet.

  3. My opinion of this article is that since the age of technology starts it comes to transform the society in all the ambits of the live and in the world.
    As the improvements in the different areas of the society like education, business, healthcare, security and in other import ants areas the tecnhology it is helpeld each one and is very good help for the global development.

    have helped in areas like business, education healthcare, finances, security and other areas sure.

    I can mention some advantages like for looking information on internet for everything you need than can help you in somethings that you don't know

    and some disadvantages like the people turning lazy and boring and too look bad information on internet very dangerous and the risk of persons that want make you hurt

  4. This article talks about the diffrnce ways that technology help in many areas for example in the business, education , in the healcare etc. But also has some disadvantages and advantages. disadvantages the more peolpe begin to depend on computers and others fors. advantages technology people more efficient way to do thing

  5. This article talks about the diffrnce ways that technology help in many areas for example in the business, education , in the healcare etc. But also has some disadvantages and advantages. disadvantages the more peolpe begin to depend on computers and others fors. advantages technology people more efficient way to do thing

    too the tecnology have disadvantage say that along with the creation of new ance interesting jobs.information tecnology has also led to arise in unemployment
    can comunication with the other person in the different country it very easy today can see and cute
    hte tecnology have advantages and too disadvantages is very important the information that there here

  7. the technology plays a big role nowadays.
    we use the technology all the time and different ways that helps us to perform different activities.
    everyone know that is important be use the technology and is good for our overcoming. the men have created programs to help the people that work and doesn´t go to the high school so the people can learn from home.
    i thing that the teachers need to be more about the technology so that they can help to the style of New Generations.

  8. My opinion about this article: is than today in than actually the technology is very important for all people. In the past used the computer was very difficult but day and day a lot of people it learning very easer for example: used a cellphone today is like used a notebook and pencil in the past. The technology help but the same is very danger when the people thinks in bad things.

    About: The Importance of Information Technology in Business. today a lot of company and industry used different software for make business whit other company, have a control of the employers, etc.

    About:The Importance of Information Technology in Education. I think than in the education the technology is a suport for the teachers and the studens, my future plan is than in the schools in our country all we can used the technology very well.

    About: The Importance of Information Technology in Finance. Well in my opinion in the bank the secury must have a good supervision and the best desicitions is instalen software in the computer whit camara.

    About: The Importance of Information Technology in Healthcare, The technology help to the doctors there are alot of student about the human anatomy and a camara can see all our human anatomy in a computer used a specific program.

    About:Generalized Advantages and Disadvantages of Information Technology.
    Advantages: today all we can used a technology in the life is more easer for example we can have a conferent around the world used a sotfware SKYPE.

    Disadvantages: there are low jod, the childres not pay tradicional game, the internet is danger we the used in negative.

  9. 1.This article emphasizes the advanced use of technology and makes us recognize that now a days people have a challenge to connect with new technological trends globally are using.
    The information used in this blog reflects the lifestyle they have every member of society, knowing that technology innovation is increased and involves new applications for use in different areas of our lives, also it reflects the importance of knowing and applying each of them.

    2.Information Technology help in the area of business, education, finance,healthcare and security.


    -It enables communication and interaction in society.
    -Promotes quality learning and skills development of society.
    -Increases economic productivity in society.
    -It allows the development and teaching in education.
    -Encourage student skills, and scientists.
    -It promotes business as well as scientific.
    Allows the development of new educational models based on the use of the capacities and potential offered by technology.
    -Allows research on the technologies themselves.
    -It aims to improve or optimize our control the world.


    -Less security for society.
    -There is inadequate management of technological tools.
    -There is easy addiction who use it.
    -There is environmental pollution and harm to people, due to the creation of inventions in producing factories.
    -In some cases privacy is violated.
    -There is impersonation and crime.

  10. the technoly is very important because we are a new age and where the man had that invents the computer as tool for try to doing better all the things of the lifefor example in the business the computer is necessary to being a register or database.

    1- many people have a good way to stay connected
    2-it is also important for business
    3- promotes the develop of science.

    1- many people ar making mishandled use.
    3- the games online is a problema for the chindren because they do not the homework.

  11. I agree with this article because I think that using the information technology we have the power to do anything, the internet contain all kind of information, we can learn all about science, culture and other languages, but if you want to be into the information technology you need to create different accounts and passwords to access and play in the field of information technology, you can work using the technology, but who can not access to the information in the network is exclude,
    another areas that the information technology is helping are the culture, the food, tourism,
    advantages are; there are many tools to solve the daily problems.
    the technology information replaced the paper.
    disadvantage are: Many people are exclude to the information technology, for different reasons,
    People have lost the habit to speak face to face.
    The family communication is being lost.

  12. 1. I consider that information technology has become a part of our everyday lives, which is a great impact on our society. For example by use of Internet businesses are moving information faster and they also coordinate multiple activities to achieve efficiency. Also in education and many other sectors of our society.

    2. Information technology can helps in the area of policial in a very real sense is transforming policing in fundamental respects. New and emerging technologies are playing an increasingly crucial role in the daily work of frontline police officers, equipping them with enforcement and investigative tools that have the potential to make them better informed and more effective.

    Advantage: Improved innovation: Technology has played a big role in job creation and emergence of technology based companies. With access to a computer and internet, any one can start a business while at home. 

    Disadvantages. Social implications: access to free information can corrupts people’s minds and drives them to commit wrong acts in society.



  13. Question 1:
    I think every advancement of technology became to help us in different fields. The article mentioned many areas in which technology has done many changes and improvements in workplaces.
    For example,the computer is a great invent. With this gadget we can do many important things.
    It works in education,finances,healthcare and many things like those. In every day,there is a new change in technology. Then, it´s important know all about technology and to be in tuning with our globalized world.

    Question 2:
    For example, in the university, tech can help:
    -Degree planing
    -Schedule planning
    -Room scheduling
    -Online courses
    Tech offers the benefit in language learning ,too.
    Tech in agriculture is agreat advance.

    Question 3:
    Adv: -Easy acces to information
    -Encourages innovation and creativity
    -The convenience of traveling
    -Improved housing and lifestyle
    -Improved enterteinment

    Disadv: -Increased loneliness
    -Job loss
    -World destruction weapon

    Now that we have seen some of the impacts of tech in modern life, it´s our responsability to use tech to improve our lives but we also have to make sure that we preserve our society and environment, if we don´t control the usage of technology, we shall end up harming both the society and environment.

  14. 1.I think information technology provides different changes in different areas of society. Some of these allow life becomes easier and faster than the past, for example to buy something it is not necessary that we go to the supermarket, we can order what we want and information technology sends this information to the company and this sends the products to our houses. In other areas such as education it has helped not only students but also teachers. Both can interact and have access to assignments. This is only the beginning of biggest changes in education. It is for that reasons that students have to have the appropiate skill to use information technology, they are the leaders of tommorrow, and in future we will have technology everywhere.

    2. Information technology has helped in other areas such as marketing, sending messages of companies promotions and advertisements on facebook. And has helped in managment; some companies use this to manage information and contact of consumers.

    3. Other advantages are increase productivity and save time and Improves data storage and file management.
    Advantages are Faulty products and duplication and Over dependence on information  technology makes students less active and innovative.

  15. 1.I think information technology provides different changes in different areas of society. Some of these allow life becomes easier and faster than the past, for example to buy something it is not necessary that we go to the supermarket, we can order what we want and information technology sends this information to the company and this sends the products to our houses. In other areas such as education it has helped not only students but also teachers. Both can interact and have access to assignments. This is only the beginning of biggest changes in education. It is for that reasons that students have to have the appropiate skill to use information technology, they are the leaders of tommorrow, and in future we will have technology everywhere.

    2. Information technology has helped in other areas such as marketing, sending messages of companies promotions and advertisements on facebook. And has helped in managment; some companies use this to manage information and contact of consumers.

    3. Other advantages are increase productivity and save time and Improves data storage and file management.
    Advantages are Faulty products and duplication and Over dependence on information  technology makes students less active and innovative.

  16. 1-THe technology is of great importance throughout the world its advances have made the whole society benefits from its, because we are in a time when every day a different breakthrough that makes a great contribution to development arises the same, and every day technology seizes more smoothly in the world letting us know new projects for the benefits of humanity.
    2- Industry, science, Communications, politics and everyday life.
    3-Advantages: >Development and teaching in education. >Facilitates the work. >Designs new things. >Communications and interaction with society.
    Disadvantage: >Decreases the job.>Create addiction in the peoples.

  17. 1- It is very important to the proper use of technology in this time of radical changes that the human being is living, I think we should be careful in many areas since the technology is very helpful and is very favorable for the life of people but well they say that every action has consequences.

    2- I think that technology has been helpful in many areas and one of the most important is health, because now a days is very easy to investigate any disease until a cure for it, in another area it is in the communication and drones that exist today, which makes it easier to see any event from the air.

    3- The advantages that technology brings are many and very impontante is comfort as we facilitates many actions, and the desventajes can mention the pollution to the environment by the energy used by it, also the time that some people lose in the misuse of technology.

  18. 1.i think this article is very interesting because the technology is on essential part of our lives, but the technology give many benefits our life,we can use in differents áreas for example:in the work,bussiness,schools,healthcare and security,but the most important for me is education because this part mention the important that students to get preparation for the future.
    2.i think other areas información technology helped is the agriculture the farmers use the technology to improve its producción without harming the environment.
    We can use for communication with other person around the world.
    Is easy accesos to información and efficiency,productivity.
    People dependen of technology,spending more time.

  19. 1.i think this article is very interesting because the technology is on essential part of our lives, but the technology give many benefits our life,we can use in differents áreas for example:in the work,bussiness,schools,healthcare and security,but the most important for me is education because this part mention the important that students to get preparation for the future.
    2.i think other areas información technology helped is the agriculture the farmers use the technology to improve its producción without harming the environment.
    We can use for communication with other person around the world.
    Is easy accesos to información and efficiency,productivity.
    People dependen of technology,spending more time.

  20. 1.i think this article is very interesting because the technology is on essential part of our lives, but the technology give many benefits our life,we can use in differents áreas for example:in the work,bussiness,schools,healthcare and security,but the most important for me is education because this part mention the important that students to get preparation for the future.
    2.i think other areas información technology helped is the agriculture the farmers use the technology to improve its producción without harming the environment.
    We can use for communication with other person around the world.
    Is easy accesos to información and efficiency,productivity.
    People dependen of technology,spending more time.

  21. 1.i think this article is very interesting because the technology is on essential part of our lives, but the technology give many benefits our life,we can use in differents áreas for example:in the work,bussiness,schools,healthcare and security,but the most important for me is education because this part mention the important that students to get preparation for the future.
    2.i think other areas información technology helped is the agriculture the farmers use the technology to improve its producción without harming the environment.
    We can use for communication with other person around the world.
    Is easy accesos to información and efficiency,productivity.
    People dependen of technology,spending more time.

  22. In general: Information technology touches our life! As we can read in this post technology is present in all areas from education to business, everywhere we go we find technology. Technology has made changes helps in our job and always continues grow. Helps ourselves to be prepared for the future, and we have to take adventages of that. The facilities tha we have now a days like internet accsses, social media, are tools that we can use for increase productivity and be closer with people who is far us, helps to communicate faster and easier. But unfortunately as the mayority of things it has adventages and disadventages, the good ones are easy communication, included economy interdependence and sell products online, and the bad ones are more unemployment, changes are difficult for older people, ect.

  23. 1. First of all, it is said that if don't have a smartphone, you are outdated. What it means is that nowadays technology has revolutionized our lives in a way that everything seems to be easier for the people like communication and shopping. It is surprising how many things we can do in a smartphone for example: video chatting with someone else in other country or doing homework when there's no computer. In other aspects, technology has saved millions of lives in hospitals and even in the front line of duty in military service. Most important is how it has revolutionized education in many countries that makes education more interesting than ever.

    2. Technology has been used to do things like keeping people aware of warning people about the health conditions of the heart and also to recreate a crime scene where there were few evidence. It has given a second chance to people without arms or legs to tie the shoes and walk again with amazing inventions.

    3. Some Advantages:
    - Comunicate with people at long distances for free.
    - Help people to stay up-to-date with anything that happens around the world in just a few seconds.
    - Saves money on buying books if they are read online.

    Some Disadvantages
    - Keep close family away.
    - Endanger old traditions to go away with the distraction caused by technology.
    - Personal information in the social media can be hacked.
    - People can be blackmailed using social media.

  24. This article is very interesting because in the importance we give to technology, today we have many benefits in many areas, it helps us solve problems more easily, also the technology helps us to resolve any easier since there are things that can be done from home. Technology in education is important because through technology students have better opportunities to get ahead.

    2. Different companies, it helps small businesses, communication is essential at work and helps a lot in everyday life.

    3. Advantages. new job opportunities, new knowledge, sharing time with friends, help in education.

    Disadvantages. Misuse of technology, time-consuming social networks of young people.

  25. Answer #1 .every students has seen the moody, music, or the girl rapidly texting on her phone. The youth of today are constantly immersed in technological advancements that promote nonstop communication and instant gratification, whether through cell phones, gaming systems, laptops, tablet or MP3 players. These are technological advancements a good thing. Obviously can help in the areas of education, security, finance or others relevance areas. I believe that the growth of technology has influenced the social interactions of today's youth has a special opportunity to developed all the possible area in the information.
    Answer #2. Reduces international poverty
    * Contributes to the spread of technology
    * Adds to the profitability of companies and corporations
    * Builds stronger trade ties and dependencies between nations
    * Major motivation for moving overseas is to exploit more lax labor laws and low environmental standards
    * Homogenizes the world cultural
    Answer #3 .Brings Some Fun into the Classroom.
    Applicable Education
    Parent’s Peace of Mind (relationship between parents and sons)
    The Information Highway
    Access to Inappropriate Content
    the Cyberbullying Trap
    Inevitable Cheating
    A Major Distraction

  26. I Think how important is technologi in this tiem, because all busines need to use to confort and soport the busine way

    we can use all good information when we use technology.
    there fore the estudents have to use when they need alot of information. Technology has helped in some campanies to good administration or other areas, that way the article mencioned differren busines areas and our life too.
    Include teach and study area.
    That is my opinion about the article

  27. 1- This article is great in so many ways, first it includes a lot of areas that information technology has developed, second is very clear about the advantages and disadvantages fo information technology, so it possible to analyze how technology has affected our lives and our life styles.
    2- Well there are so many areas that Information technology has helped to develop for example business, I wouldn't be impossible to make all the transactions tha we can made today, like to transpass money through our cell phone numbers, or play the bills online. Another area is health care, which allows doctor not only have a wed data, about the illness, but the most important is a digital profile of their patients that can be share to another doctor or can be crucial in some emergencies.
    3- I may say that are so many that the article already said, but I can mention some others. Advantage: Information technology can be useful for other areas like the ones the article, can connect and share information that is crucial and can save your life, it facilites some process and disadvantage: The information can be hacked and your personal data is no safe and share and the web.

  28. 1) Since we live in the “information age,” information technology has become a part of our everyday lives, which is a great impact on our society. such as in the education, in business, in healthcare and others. the information technology changes our life in an easy way, but every innovations has advantages and disadvantages how mention in this article.

    2) the information of technology could help in the area of banking, that transform all banking process in an easy way and in a practice form.
    other is in the fashion area, this permit the influence of others country and that the person knows the new vanguard of the fashion.
    science and engineer: the use of technology information these areas have a big evolution with the new instruments that are controlled with computer

    3) About advantage in the information technology can mentions are:
    - it is easy to send money over long distances
    - in home or business security
    - It is easy to find information of any area and is the best thing is for free

    About disadvantage:
    - Loss of communication skills - with the ever increasing variety of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, a lot of people are worried that traditional communication skills will be lost
    - Health problems - research has shown that technology can cause a number of problems with a person's health. Many scientists, doctors and researchers are concerned about possible links between technology and heart problems, eye strain, obesity, muscle problems and deafness.
    - The disinterest of young people to the study.
    when the young are related to this technology becomes an addiction, with games, social pages that transform their minds in an obsessive way for information technology and they lose interest to study

  29. My opinion about this article is that technology indisputably is part of our lives, as it is wherever we go. We depend on technology to develop ourselves in this world that advances every day more to the modernization and globalization.
    The information technology plays a very important role in our society because as we can see, is found in all areas, facilitating the work of each day thousands of people who make proper use of it.
    I believe that information technology is exploited also in every household by fathers, mothers and children who have access to it, using the Internet to find necessary information for different interest issues.
    on the other hand, I think there is some disadvantage to those who can not use the technology or have no knowledge of it. In a job for example, who can not use a computer, loses a job opportunity, therefore the new changes require do we have to constantly update us on new technologies.
