heal the world

heal the world

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2016

Changes in Technology

Technology in schools: Future changes in classrooms

Is it time for radical change of our school systems?

Technology has the power to transform how people learn - but walk into some classrooms and you could be forgiven for thinking you were entering a time warp.
There will probably be a whiteboard instead of the traditional blackboard, and the children may be using laptops or tablets, but plenty of textbooks, pens and photocopied sheets are still likely.
And perhaps most strikingly, all desks will face forwards, with the teacher at the front.
The curriculum and theory have changed little since Victorian times, according to the educationalist and author Marc Prensky.
"The world needs a new curriculum," he said at the recent Bett show, a conference dedicated to technology in education. "We have to rethink the 19th Century curriculum."
Most of the education products on the market are just aids to teach the existing curriculum, he says, based on the false assumption "we need to teach better what we teach today".
He feels a whole new core of subjects is needed, focusing on the skills that will equip today's learners for tomorrow's world of work. These include problem-solving, creative thinking and collaboration.


'Flipped' classrooms

One of the biggest problems with radically changing centuries-old pedagogical methods is that no generation of parents wants their children to be the guinea pigs.
Mr Prensky he thinks we have little choice, however: "We are living in an age of accelerating change. We have to experiment and figure out what works."
"We are at the ground floor of a new world full of imagination, creativity, innovation and digital wisdom. We are going to have to create the education of the future because it doesn't exist anywhere today."
He might be wrong there. Change is already afoot to disrupt the traditional classroom.

In a "flipped" classroom, children get on with work and teachers act as guides
The "flipped" classroom - the idea of inverting traditional teaching methods by delivering instructions online outside of the classroom and using the time in school as the place to do homework - has gained in popularity in US schools.
The teacher's role becomes one of a guide, while students watch lectures at home at their own pace, communicating with classmates and teachers online.
Salman Khan is one of the leading advocates of "flipped" classrooms, having first posted tutorials in maths for his young cousins on YouTube in 2004.
Their huge popularity led to the creation of the not-for-profit Khan Academy, offering educational videos with complete curricula in maths and other subjects.
The project has caught the eye of the US Department of Education, which is currently running a $3m (£1.9m) trial to gauge the effectiveness of the method. Now the idea has reached the UK.

Teachers 'surprised'

Mohammed Telbany heads the IT department at Sudbury Primary School in Suffolk. He has been experimenting with the "flipped" classroom and recently expanded it to other lessons.
"The teachers facilitate, rather than standing in front of the children telling them what to do, and the children just come in and get on with what they are doing," he says.
"It has surprised the teachers that the kids can excel on their own, with minimal teaching intervention."
In the developing world where, according to some estimates, up to 57 million children are unable to attend primary school, the idea of children learning without much adult intervention is a necessity not a luxury.
Prof Sugata Mitra, from Newcastle University, has been experimenting with self-learning since his famous hole-in-the-wall computer experiments in the slums of Delhi in 1999.

The School in the Cloud project opened in India
He was amazed at how quickly the children learned how to use the machines with no adult supervision or advice.
From that was born the idea of "cloud grannies" - retired professionals from the UK, mentoring groups of children in India via Skype.
He won the $1m Ted prize in 2013 to build a series of self-organising learning environments in both the UK and India.
In January he completed the last of seven such units - a striking solar-powered glass building amid the lush vegetation of the village of Gocharan in West Bengal.
There will be no teachers and up to 40 children can participate when it suits them. They will have the internet at their disposal and will work in small groups. E-mediators will mentor the children via Skype.
Dr Suneeta Kulkarni, research director of the School in the Cloud project, said children would "engage in a variety of activities that are driven by their interest and curiosity", with games typically tried first.
The children will also be asked "big questions" that they can answer online.
"At yet other times these questions emerge from what the children 'wonder' about. It is also where the grannies or e-mediators are expected to play a significant role," she said.

Classroom games

When Canadian teacher and computer programmer Shawn Young wanted to spruce up his lessons, his first thought was gaming.
It was a platform many of his students were familiar with and something that was proven to engage children.
But it also had a bad reputation in teaching circles - thought to be too violent, addictive and without educational merit.
Some early attempts to integrate educational content within games failed. But what makes Classcraft different is that it is not about content - it is more a behaviour-management and motivation tool.

Linking behaviour and attitude to a game could be a way of engaging children
"The teacher teaches as normal. Teachers can offer pupils points for good behaviour, asking questions, or working well in their teams and it gives them access to real life powers," Mr Young says.
Those powers are decided by the teachers and may include handing in homework a day late.
There are also penalties for those not concentrating in class, turning up late or being disruptive.
Children play the game in teams, which means a lost point affects the entire group, and encourages them to work together.
"It is being used in a school in Texas which has a mix of white, Mexican and Afro-Americans. They would never normally speak to each other," said Mr Young.
Teachers using the system - some 100,000 have signed up since it launched in August - have noted not just better interaction between pupils, but better classroom engagement and motivation.
"As in other games there are sometimes random events, which could be something like everyone having to speak like a pirate for the day or the teacher having to sing a song in class. The kids love it."

26 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. I think the education of today has to be innovative and creative, teachers have to be at the forefront of technology because the demands of the new digital era demands it.
      This results in a better educational quality in all areas, since the technology is the best tool that the teacher has at its disposal to facilitate the teaching and learning in their students.

  2. 'Flipped' classrooms is one that called my attention because I agree with the article, technology is so accelerate but unfortunately in our country it doesn't happen in the same speed even worst our educational system is getting worse every day. So we are the generation that can innovate not only with the technology that is available, we have to go further and use all the resources that we have at our reach. I'm not against of technology it could be an excellent tool if we use it properly.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Martha Sanchez:
    This article really caught my attention, it's really interesting, the phrase I liked most is the one that Mr. Prensky said "We're living in an age of accelerating changes. We have to experiment and figure out what works" This thought is really accurate because, like he said, we face changes every single day and we cannot live teaching the same knowledge in the same way all the time, we must try different ways to teach using the innovation and the sources we have nowadays, and the BEST way to teach would be (so far) permitting children/students take action in their learning. To me (as student), one of the best ways to learn is practicing, and that's what Flipped classrooms allows to do, it lets children be the main character of theri learning, and as a conclusion I would say that's why this technique or method is being effective.

  5. As I was reading I thought about how a great it is this new way of learning for students. With the flipped classrooms students can prepare themselves with the teacher as a guide and not as the one teaching all the time. Even though this technique is really effective I don´t think teachers in El Salvador are prepare to use it just because they are accustomed to be the ones teaching but sooner or later that can change and because of our culture some parents have taught their children that their teachers are the ones that can teach them all the knowledge and not have taught them that they can be their own tutors. I think that in a few years our schools in El Salvador can apply this new technique and new methods of learning. We have enough technology and resources to start applying this technique.

  6. I agree with what the author Marc Prensky "the world needs a new curriculum" because this all depends on better education with the help of all the tools we have, we must learn to use technology in the best way because it is very useful for an excellent education.

  7. The curriculum has changed by the teacher Marc Prensky and we are living in an era of rapid change we need to experiment and find what works. I agree with him because we have to leave the traditional though in our country is not visible above all in public schools these are not at the forefront of educational technology and use technology is always a point of support for us in the process of teaching and learning.

  8. Thanks for your comments, I agree with you all. There are many positive things in this blog that we could take in order to use in the classroom. I am willing to read more from your classmates.

  9. Well, it is interesting the content of this article, because it gives a wide point of view and information about what technology may be in education. Now day one may see around and realize that technology is everywhere, but not focused in education, but in distraction and hobbies, which is fine, however the fact of using technology as a learning tool can certainly help not only in a classroom, but also it can help to become an autodidactic learner.
    Personally I think that it all depends on us, that is because we are the new generation, and we consider digital natives , it give us a certain advantage, because we can handle technology, what we must work now is how to use it in a classroom or class with students, friend or even for ourselves. I think technology is a very useful and powerful tool for the teaching and learning proses.

  10. The article is very interesting in the way how explains the technology can be use in the classroom. Yet there are some schools that are delaying this imminent future of using technology in the classroom as is case of our country. Integrating technology in education everyday would be helpful to students stay engaged with their learning. Today’s students love technology so they are sure to be interested in learning if they can use the tools they love. Also with technology in the classroom the teacher becomes in an adviser because the technology helps students take more control over their own learning.

  11. When we talk about education includes methods and ways to use resources that help us facilitate the process of teaching and learning. In this article are some techniques that can be used in a classroom using technology and dynamic games in this way the student is interested and more motivated to attend a particular school. For this reason teachers must create a suitable environment that meets the needs of students and including material support that is striking in a classroom.

  12. Times are changing and children too and it have to exist a connection between both to give them the best experience in education and knowledge and also this is become a digital age so we have to be updated day by day. Thats why we have to be ready for all expectations we assume that would comming soon. By: Gris Amaya

  13. Modernization in the classroom is very important, because with the use of technology, students learn in a fun way, breaking the schemes of traditional methods in which the teachers have to spend all the time in front of students, in some cases, overcrowded classrooms, where it is difficult for teachers to have contact with all students, this article is very interesting because it mentions experiences of several countries where technology has been used in the process of teaching and that they have had very positive results, I think that in our country we should taking positive things like that, to change the direction of our education.

  14. the use of the technology in education change the old form to teach and learn, classroom: is an old method in education is something of the past, the technology educational are virtual classrooms, we can access from anywhere in the world this is something real and simple the key are video conferences.

  15. Nowday the education system has changed with the arrival of digital age, technological tools , resources etc. Flipped classrooms inverting traditional teaching methods to update the acquisition of knowledge in a easy way. But in our country this change is slow in the basic system, although the curriculum count on those updates the most of rural schools They do not have these resources to learn and is impossible to use it. but in the universities its important to adapt the educational technology in differentes areas using games , motivation, platforms, web pages, blogs etc.

  16. It's important because is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.. includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning.

  17. It's important because is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.. includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning.

  18. The way of teaching and learning has greatly changed by new technologies but it is still common to see some traditionalists schools for lack of economic resources and disinterested Ministry of Education.
    I agree with the educator and author Marc Prensky when he says that "The world needs a new curriculum, '' because that is the way of teaching improved.
    About flipped classrooms where the teacher serves as a guide for the student becomes more dynamic educational task by the use of technological tools which are used by most students and it is time to harness that used to learn in a better way .
    I caught my attention on the final article where he talks about how to teach using Skype to children who can not attend school, other than a technological tool wil and dedication.

  19. As we all know technology has made great strides to be of great importance for Mankind. I think the educational technology to come to improve education in some aspects such as information obtained via internet, tools for teaching and computer projectors, etc. Also the technology must be adapted to the age of students since they comprise stages, flipped clasrooms is an innovative idea that should be implemented in our country to have an education of warm.
    other countries do not have educational technology, for example, in some places should manage to teach such must use the wall as a blackboard, fortunately our country has advanced technology having the opportunity to change education and improve our country.

  20. I did not check my email the last week but this is my opinion of this article. I think we need many changes in the ways to teach in the classrooms, specialy in the first phased of the prosses of education. The change should beging in the curricula of teachers to teach, but we need more resourses to innovate and proportionate the best enviroment for students.

  21. When we use different methods to teach, we are giving the opportunity to the students to grow up in different areas, because one important thing in this globalized world is that every body needs to know about technology.
    In the classroom is important we use the technology, the reason is that this world in changing every moment and we need to be prepared for every change. And the best way could be learning about technology.

  22. When we use different methods to teach, we are giving the opportunity to the students to grow up in different areas, because one important thing in this globalized world is that every body needs to know about technology.
    In the classroom is important we use the technology, the reason is that this world in changing every moment and we need to be prepared for every change. And the best way could be learning about technology.

  23. all kink of technology advanced is benefit in education but is necessary the correct use to learn, the students need a guide for use all kind of technology resources because we can learn all about anything, something about the social networks: the correct use for this resources can be a good form to learn something.

  24. In my opinion the use of technology in the classrooms has become essential, because all the students nowadays use the technology and the teacher should be actualize about the use of the new technology. And how he or she can apply the technology in the classroom to motivate a their students, also the technology can be useful to do the class more practice and is an excellent ways to work in other form with the students at the same time, for example here in the blog, we use the technology for practice and for give our opinion about any topic.

  25. Technology effectively is changing education.
    With the technology teachers are changing their roles, they are becoming guides for students, for example in flipped classrooms students have the opportunity to work and learn something new at home. It means they will learn at their own paces, also they can interact with classmates and teacher online. And when they be in the classroom they have the opportunity to discuss something that they have already done.
    Also classroom games will give students an opportunity not only to have fun but also to learn a new content.
